-The Hindu The incident occured at around 7.15 a.m. on Monday. A tractor was set on fire at Delhi’s India Gate by a group of men protesting against the farm Bills on Monday morning. Eish Singhal, DCP (New Delhi), said that around 15 to 20 persons gathered at Rajpath near India Gate at around 7.15 a.m. and tried to set a tractor on fire. The fire has been doused and the tractor removed....
Explained: In the three new labour codes, what changes for workers & hirers? -Aanchal Magazine
-The Indian Express Lok Sabha has cleared three labour code Bills. What are the key changes, and why are some being seen as a cause for concern? The Lok Sabha Tuesday cleared new versions of three labour codes — Industrial Relations Code Bill, 2020, Code on Social Security Bill, 2020 and Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code Bill, 2020. While the government proposes to increase the ambit of social security by including...
More »The men behind APMC, MSP and procurement -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express The idea of a Minimum Support Price for crops came first from a visiting US soil scientist and fertiliser expert The institution of ‘mandis’ is as old as markets where wholesale trading in primary produce has been taking place since time immemorial. APMCs or Agricultural Produce Market Committees are of more recent vintage and the creation of Sir Chhotu Ram. In 1939, the legendary farmer leader, as Development Minister in...
More »The tradition of incriminating of Muslims in India goes back decades in India -Sananda Dasgupta
-CounterCurrents.org “The National Investigation Agency (NIA) said on Saturday that it has busted an al Qaeda module and arrested nine people who were allegedly planning to carry out major terror strikes in India at the direction of their Pakistan-based handler.” The news hit headlines of all major dailies in India last week. Six of these suspects were apprehended from the district of Murshidabad in West Bengal and three others were arrested from...
More »Bharat Bandh: Nationwide farmers’ strike today, rail, road transport to be affected. All you need to know -Poulomi Ghosh
-Hindustan Times The Shiromani Akali Dal will observe a three-hour chakka jam across Punjab from 11am to 2pm in all constituencies. Over two dozens farmers’ organizations from all across the country, supported by 18 political parties including the Congress, take to the streets on Friday protesting the farm bills passed by Parliament. Punjab and Haryana will be the epicentre of the protests, though the demand for legal guarantee of minimum support prices...
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