-The Times of India Delhi gang-rape prime accused Ram Singh on Monday committed suicide by hanging himself in Tihar Jail. The incident came to light around 5am. Ram Singh was found hanging inside jail number 3. He was rushed to the jail hospital but declared dead on arrival. The body was then sent for postmortem at Deen Dayal Upadhyay (DDU) hospital. Ram Singh hung himself using his clothes probably his own shirt, Tihar...
Was she a terrorist? Supreme Court slams cops for beating this woman -A Vaidyanathan and Prasad Sanyal
-NDTV The Supreme Court today rejected the Punjab government's explanation for how it will investigate Police officers who were caught on camera thrashing a young woman near Amritsar. "Was she a terrorist?" the judges asked angrily. The state government said that a magistrate will determine accountability for the beating on the roadside last week, which was filmed on a cell-phone by a passer-by, and broadcast on news channels including NDTV. " What will the...
More »Modi’s Gujarat model can never become a national model: Karat
-PTI Patna: Attacking Narendra Modi, projected by a section of BJP as a possible Prime Ministerial candidate, CPI(M) leader Prakash Karat on Sunday said Mr. Modi’s Gujarat model of development cannot be replicated at the national level. “Modi’s Gujarat model can never become a national model for development,” he said, while addressing a CPI(M) ‘Aam Sabha’ in Patna. Everybody knows the truth about Mr. Modi’s Gujarat model of development, which has given priority...
More »It is just not just -Sanjoy Hazarika
-The Hindustan Times Enacted in 1958 to deal with the Naga uprising in the then composite state of Assam, the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) was reviewed by the Justice BP Jeevan Reddy Committee in 2005, which recommended that it be scrapped. The Reddy report remains untabled in Parliament, despite the recent outcry, triggered by the Justice Verma Committee’s view that the Act needs to be reviewed (in the light...
More »Young bloggers catalyse Dhaka protests-Sreelata Menon
-The Hoot Bangladeshis all over the world were able to mount a flash campaign against a war tribunal verdict. SREELATA MENON says this proves once again the power of social media. Digital activism is today a handy tool in the instant spread of ideas, thoughts and actual happenings in real time that can influence millions of minds in a matter of a few simple minutes. It is as handy in kicking...
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