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Note ban effect: GDP growth enters slow lane in Q4 at 6.1% -Ishan Bakshi & Indivjal Dhasmana

-Business Standard GVA growth at 2-year low of 5.6%; Farming only bright spot India’s economic growth fell to 6.1 per cent in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2016-17 (FY17), primarily because of demonetisation adversely affecting economic activity. This was at least a four-quarter low. The sectors worst affected were construction and financial services. Without indirect taxes, growth figures would be more dismal. Gross value added (GVA), the difference between gross domestic product...

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This year to see highest-ever yield of fruit, spices, flowers & veggies

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: India is likely to have the highest ever production of horticulture crops, including fruit and vegetables, in the 2016-17 crop year, ending June. The total production is estimated at 295 million tonnes, 3.2% higher than in 2015-16. The estimate shows that 2016-17 will be the fifth straight year when India's horticulture production will outstrip that of foodgrains. The foodgrain production for 2016-17 is estimated at 273.38...

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Production of horticulture crops likely to touch 295 million tonnes

-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Production of horticulture crops such as fruit and vegetables have seen an increase over the previous year. The production is estimated at 295 million tonnes in 2016-17 crop year ending June, shows the second advance estimates released by the agriculture ministry on Tuesday. Compared to the previous year when production was 286.18 million tonnes, the harvest is 3.1% higher. It is also 2.7% higher over the first...

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A Simple Arithmetic -Prabhat Patnaik The advance GDP estimates for 2016-17, however calculated, show a grim picture of the economy. The real per capita income of the agriculture-dependent population, which constitutes half the country's populace, has remained stagnant or even marginally declined during the three years of the Modi government. While the pursuit of neoliberal policies can be held responsible for this, treating the aggregate growth as a "great achievement" for political mileage is unwarranted. Please...

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India, China's Climate Change Efforts Make US Look 'Laggard': Report

-PTI China's emissions of carbon dioxide appear to have peaked more than 10 years sooner than its government had said they would and India is now expected to obtain 40 per cent of its electricity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2022, eight years ahead of schedule, it noted. New York:  India and China are showing the way forward in the battle against climate change by greatly increasing their investments in renewable...

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