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Greenpeace still in government’s NGO list despite row

The Times of India NEW DELHI: Even as Greenpeace India faces heat from the home ministry over FCRA issues, the environment ministry has ensured it remains in the government's directory of environmental NGOs. The directory, comprising around 2,300 environmental NGOs including Greenpeace, was released by environment and forest minister Prakash Javadekar on Tuesday. The directory was released ahead of the government's plan to bring out performance-based rating of NGOs working in the field...

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The grand delusion of Digital India -Nissim Mannathukkaren

-The Hindu The idea of attacking poverty by increasing mobile connectivity in a country that ranks 55 in the Global Hunger Index is just fantasy Interviewer: What would you regard as the most outstanding and significant event of the last decade? Siddhartha: The… war in Vietnam, sir. Interviewer: More significant than landing on the moon? Siddhartha: I think so, sir. — “Pratidwandi” (The Adversary), 1970 The most fundamental debate for our youth is the choice between Android,...

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Digital India needs to go local -Amit Prakash

-The Hindu Digital infrastructure may not be of much help in addressing governance and development concerns unless it is integrated into the wider structural and institutional reforms Digital India is the flavour of the season, and not without any reason. Digital technologies have permeated into more and more aspects of our private and public life spaces. A lot of us increasingly depend on them to order groceries, book a taxi ride or train...

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'Kids fare better when taught in mother tongue' -Shreya Roy Chowdhury

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Studying mathematics scores of the same set of kids in multiple rounds of tests, a Researcher has concluded that kids learn better in their mother-tongue. Kids attending Telugu medium schools - data was gathered in Andhra Pradesh - "on average perform significantly better as compared to English medium students" once factors such as native ability, household characteristics and "parental aspirations" are considered and "controlled for." P...

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Opinion: India, Where Have All the Women Gone? -N Chandra Mohan NEW DELHI: Women account for less than half of India’s population but their participation in the workforce is way below that of men. They account for 27 per cent of the workforce. If – and it is a big if – their number were to increase to the same level as men in the workforce, the country’s output of good and services would expand by 27 per cent, argues Christine...

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