-The Hindu NFIW criticises the approach for targeted PDS and cash transfers The National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW) fears that the government plans to do away with the public distribution system (PDS) and move to cash transfers in lieu of foodgrains to the poor through the proposed National Food Security Bill. Demanding that the proposed Bill provide for universal entitlements, decentralised production and procurement, the NFIW has criticised the approach for...
Extension Of Woes by Lola Nayar
The Noida-Greater Noida imbroglio will be instructive for the draft land acquisition bill In The Works... * Government to acquire land, “public purpose” to be redefined * Land acquisition only after getting written consent of 80 per cent of landowners * Monitoring authority to be set up at the Centre and states to ensure compliance * Payment component split into part-cash-down and remaining in annuity for 33 years * Post...
More »Govt knocks off key provisions in Bill by Samar Halarnkar
New tensions are emerging between the government and its think tank, with the food ministry making major changes to a National Advisory Council (NAC) draft of a new law slated to become the blockbuster social-security scheme of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government’s troubled second tenure. Key provisions of the national food security Bill, 2011, due to be introduced in Parliament’s next session starting 2 August, and estimated to cost the...
More »Ramesh plans bank for women SHGs by Ruhi Tewari
To promote self-employment among people living below poverty line (BPL), particularly women, the rural development ministry proposes to set up a dedicated national bank for women self-help groups (SHGs) and also lower the interest rate on the credit they receive from any nationalized bank. Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh on Monday said he will soon take up both these proposals with the finance ministry. “We have proposed a detailed paper for a...
More »Environment ministry cites loopholes in forest laws to defend clearing Posco- by Nitin Sethi
NEW DELHI: The environment ministry made a specious argument before the Cuttack bench of Orissa High Court, defending its decision to clearPosco without verifying if the Forest Rights Act had been violated or not in diverting forest land to the Rs 54,000 crore integrated steel plant. It said that the law – also UPA's flagship pro-tribal scheme -- did not provide any mechanism to verify its implementation in a case,...
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