-The Times of India The Congress on Thursday seized on the low yields of the 2G spectrum auction to attack the federal auditor's Rs 1.76 lakh crore revenue loss projection, setting the stage for another round of bitter feuding with the opposition. After the Supreme Court-ordered 2G auction yielded just Rs 9,407 crore, information and broadcasting minister Manish Tewari hit out at the comptroller and auditor general, saying, "Mr CAG, where is...
FDI flashpoint looms as Oppn pushes for vote
-The Hindustan Times An uneasy combination of the BJP, the Left and the estranged UPA ally, the Trinamool Congress, is set to provide fireworks during the winter session of Parliament beginning next week. The issue: The government’s decision to allow foreign direct investment (FDI) in retail sector through an executive decision. At least 15 MPs belonging to the BJP-led NDA, Trinamool and Left parties had till late Wednesday evening served notices under...
More »Will Maharashtra sugarcane farmers continue to protest despite Chavan's appeal? -Surabhi Malik
-NDTV Sangli, Maharashtra: Sugarcane farmers in Maharashtra, who have been protesting since last week to demand better prices for their produce, will meet today to decide on how they want to continue their agitation. Yesterday, Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan met the farmers and appealed to them to call off their protests. The Chief Minister reportedly also urged the farmers not to resort to violence and told them that the prices of sugarcane...
More »Politicians corrupt, but few say won't pay bribes: survey -Abhijit Patnaik
-The Hindustan Times Arvind Kejriwal has resorted to publicly naming and shaming everyone from politicians to corporates, Anna Hazare has reignited the Jan Lokpal debates and scandals are being exposed with increasing frequency. The anti-corruption movement has gathered momentum in the last twelve months, and presumably, corrupt officials are running for shelter. Yet, according to a Hindustan Times survey, 41.2% of respondents feel that government officials are more prone to take a...
More »Maharashtra farmer tension simmers -Radheshyam Jadhav
-The Times of India PUNE: The Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatana (SSS) continued its agitation for a higher price for sugarcane crop for the second consecutive day in western Maharashtra. The protesters resorted to stone pelting and roadblocks and brought state transport to a halt in he region. While chief minister Prithviraj Chavan held inconclusive discussions with Raghunath Patil, the leader of Shetkari Sanghatana, another farmers' organisation, SSS president and Hatkanangle MP Raju Shetty...
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