-The Times of India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has offered a new formula to end the Lokpal deadlock with Team Anna. Replying to the debate on corruption in Lok Sabha, Prime Minister said the government is ready to debate all versions of the Lokpal Bill in circulation at present. The PM said the aim was to give the country a strong Lokpal and for that the government was ready to involve all sections...
Push comes to shove by Ashis Nandy
Anna Hazare is not Mohandas Gandhi or Jayaprakash Narayan. No one wants to seriously hear his diagnosis of the ills of the Indian political system or his vision of a future India and, so, it is pointless to find fault with either. He is not even a Gandhian satyagrahi looking for self-purification or waiting to listen to his inner voice. He has used his fasts to unashamedly pressure a corrupt,...
More »Lokpal row back to 'square one' as talks fail
-IANS Talks between the government and Anna Hazare's team on a sweeping anti-corruption law ended in a deadlock Wednesday night, shattering hopes of an early resolution to spiralling political crisis triggered by the social activist's indefinite fast. At the latest round of talks between the two sides, the civil society activists insisted that their version of the Lokpal bill should be passed expeditiously, but the government refused to bypass parliamentary procedures. Hazare's representatives...
More »Lokpal logjam: PM walks extra mile, Anna Hazare unmoved by Himanshi Dhawan
Hopes of a resolution to the Anna-government standoff flickered from time to time on Thursday but eventually it remained unclear when the Gandhian would call off his 10-day fast. The eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation was continuing till midnight. The Prime Minister first raised hopes by offering to bring the Jan Lokpal Bill, as drafted by Team Anna, for discussion in Parliament. But this was rebuffed by Anna Hazare who insisted on an assurance...
More »Anna's proposals on Jan Lokpal to be discussed in Parliament
-The Hindu On a day of fast-paced developments, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday reached out to the fasting anti-corruption crusader, Anna Hazare, with a new formula to break the log-jam on the contours of the proposed Lokpal institution: a debate in Parliament over his proposals with a promise to refer the sense of the House to the Standing Committee for its consideration. This was followed by an extraordinary gesture from...
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