-The Times of India India's space agency Isro bent rules for private firm Devas to sign a deal for multimedia services, projecting a paltry Rs 1,120 crore revenue over a 12-year period that would not even have covered the cost of launching two satellites for the promised service, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has said. In a report submitted to Parliament on Tuesday, the official auditor gave the Prime Minister's Office...
Just let the press be -Sashi Kumar
Justice Markandey Katju's prescription for a regulated media regime is a misplaced step that can actually de-democratise the fourth estate. IT is open season on the political class and the news media. But then, again, it's more like a chase of one's own tail. A self-righteous, delusional, Anna-Baba NGO-ised fringe sets out to stigmatise politics and Members of Parliament; the news media salivate at the prospect and rush to provide...
More »In India, an Inflation Dilemma -Anant Vijay Kala
Inflation in India rose above expectations in April, making life difficult for the nation's central bank as it tries to revive an economy facing increased stagflation risks. The Reserve Bank of India last month cut its policy rate for the first time in three years to boost sagging growth. But inflation has remained stubbornly high, raising concerns the economy may be facing a nightmare scenario of slowing growth and rising prices. On...
More »Satyamev Jayate's Ardh Satya-Farah Naqvi
Aamir Khan's 'truths' on sex-selective abortion showcased mothers who fought the practice but he missed the point that reproductive decisions are rarely made by women In a media-saturated age, stars must use their celebrity status to draw attention to things that get ignored. Aamir Khan's Satyamev Jayate — a 360° swing away from the muscle flexing normally associated with Bollywood men — has sealed his image as a socially conscious star....
More »Mind The Crease-Lola Nayar
Pawar’s Report Card The Negatives Per capita availability of cereals and pulses has fallen in last eight years No improvement in irrigation, 60% of agriculture still dependent on monsoons Farmers growing cereals, sugarcane, oilseeds and pulses assured higher MSP, but majority don't benefit Production up, but not productivity. Farmer suicides are on the rise. Poor market advisory on exports being misused to buy cheaply from farmers and make profits overseas Pawar...
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