Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan today ordered a CBI investigation into last week’s murder of IPS officer Narendra Kumar, allegedly by mining mafia. Chauhan said he was responding to an appeal by Madhurani, the slain officer’s widow who is an IAS officer in the state, and not clamours from the Congress. The Opposition party has been demanding a probe by the agency and called a bandh today to protest the...
Need regulation to make sure that financial inclusion becomes cost-effective by Ashok Khemka
One of the key factors to inclusive growth is financial inclusion for all. Financial inclusion refers to universal access to a wide range of banking solutions and financial services in a fair, predictable and transparent manner at affordable costs. The poor tend to be ignored because the transaction costs in serving them are high. Initiatives that reduce these costs will allow service providers to begin thinking of financial services for...
More »TRAI gets govt approval to act as civil court by Joji Thomas Philip
The apex decision-making body of the communications ministry has cleared the proposal to grant more powers to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and enable the watchdog to act like a civil court. This puts TRAI on par with the Securities and Exchange Board of India and the Competition Commission of India and permits the telecom regulator to 'summon persons, examine them on oath, demand documents and evidence on affidavits...
More »Giant and impractical
-The Business Standard Is river interlinking really worthwhile and viable? The Supreme Court’s startling directive to the Centre to set up a “special committee” to expedite river interlinking, which the Court declared was in the “national interest”, has caused the grandiose project to be, once again, closely examined. The idea has been fashionable in fits and starts; it was conceived as far back as the 1970s, and was promoted by the National...
More »A simple proposal on food security
-The Hindu Dr. Manmohan Singh Prime Minister of India March 12, 2012 Dear Prime Minister, We welcome the tabling of a National Food Security Bill in the Lok Sabha as an important step towards the elimination of hunger and undernutrition in India. However, we feel that the Bill in its current form has some serious shortcomings. We are writing to propose a simpler and more effective framework for the Public Distribution System (PDS), which requires...
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