-The Indian Express Roughly three decades after Tamil Nadu devised the mid-day meal scheme for schoolchildren, the Jayalalithaa government is working on extending it to breakfast as well. Like neighbouring Puducherry, the state will ensure that schoolchildren are provided a healthy start to the day. Some private and corporation schools have already experimented with the idea. Tamil Nadu’s welfare schemes have been remarkably efficient because of political determination, imaginative policy-making and implementation,...
‘Some serious sidestepping is coming from the judicial institution’ by Arun Jaitley
The first thing that comes to our mind is — and this has nothing to do with this particular case — that even in 2003, when this misconduct was continuing, how come such persons get to be appointed? It really seriously means that we have to revisit that process. Originally, when the Constitution was framed, we had a system where judges were appointed by the executive in consultation with the...
More »Is the BPL census correctly structured?
-The Business Standard Much depends on a strong implementation framework but the imposition of a cap by the Planning Commission could lead to arbitrary exclusions. Himanshu Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University The methodology, which is based on the framework suggested by the Saxena Committee, uses indicators that have been refined using a large-scale pilot survey There are over 400 million poor (the number varies depending on which estimate you...
More »Atrocities against scheduled Castes, tribes down in 9 years
-IANS Atrocities against scheduled Castes and scheduled tribes have come down in a span of nine years (2001-2009) according to statistics of the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the Rajya Sabha was informed Thursday. 'The cases reported in 2009 were 38,849, while there were 39,017 cases reported in 2001. During the nine years, the total number of cases reported were 318,661,' Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment D. Napoleon said...
More »The Anna monopoly by Sanjay K Jha
Sections within civil society have reservations about Anna Hazare’s movement but the government’s failure to tap them may have lent credence to the impression that his group was speaking up for the entire nation. Although leaders like P. Chidambaram and Kapil Sibal have argued that no single group could claim to be the sole representative of civil society, the Centre has not seriously tried to open channels of communication with other...
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