Total Matching Records found : 4023

India’s proposal in the UN for government control of internet endangers free speech and privacy-Rajeev Chandrasekhar

If you were a tad worried about the government`s intentions to censor free speech by controlling the internet and monitoring your access to the Web through a vague and draconian legal framework - `IT Rules, 2011`, followed by an attempt to pre-screen content on Google and Facebook - you haven`t seen anything yet. In mid-2011, the success of the internet and social media in bringing down dictatorships in Egypt and Libya...

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Why It’s So Hard to Fix Land Acquisition-Tripti Lahiri

India Inc. was aghast at the recent report of a parliamentary committee that recommended that a new draft land acquisition law limit occasions when the government may intervene to acquire land for use by private firms. But in a paper published in the Economic and Political Weekly last month, Delhi University economics professor Ram Singh laid out data that supports the committee’s recommendations. Mr. Singh argues that government-driven land acquisition is generally...

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Kerala partially complies with NHRC order, offers compensation to Endosulfan victims-J Balaji

Commission accepts staggered relief payment proposed by State government The Kerala government has partially complied with the orders of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on payment of compensation to families of those killed due to the effects of pesticide Endosulfan, and those who were physically affected. It has also submitted a report to the Commission. The State government has said that regarding payment of Rs. 5 lakh to the bedridden/victims unable to...

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Government responds symbolically to basic needs, says National Advisory Council member Aruna Roy-Bharti Jain

-The Economic Times National Advisory Council member Aruna Roy has criticised the government for failing to deliver on land reforms. Criticising the UPA dispensation for not convening a single meeting of the National Land Reforms Council (NLRC) since it was constituted over four years ago, Roy on Monday told ET that this reflected an "absolute lack of intent and the symbolic manner in which governments respond to some the most basic...

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Govt slow in enforcing child labour law, reveals RTI-Chetan Chauhan

As the government moves to ban employment of child below 18 years in hazardous industries, new data puts the government in a poor light over enforcement of existing provisions. As per the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, employment of children below the age of 14 in hazardous industries is banned. It includes employing them in roadside eateries and as domestic helps.   The ministry of labour in a reply...

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