-The Hindu The Prime Minister's Office has once again refused to release details of the correspondence during the Gujarat riots between then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and then Chief Minister Narendra Modi, citing "third party objections." RTI activist Subhash Agarwal wrote to the PMO in December 2013 seeking complete copies of correspondence between Mr. Vajpayee and Mr. Modi between February 27, 2002, the day the Sabarmati Express was set on fire...
Mission for Green India, MGNREGA will converge to facilitate afforestation on 10 million hectares of land -Yogima Sharma
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The Centre has decided to extend its flagship rural jobs scheme to include afforestation as part of a move to create more durable assets through the programme that Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently derided as a living monument to the previous UPA government's failures and promised to overhaul. Officials said the National Mission for a Green India (GIM) and the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act...
More »The elusive quest for freedom -Rukmini S
-The Hindu While the rates of sexual violence in India - both reported in official statistics and unreported on the basis of household surveys - are towards the lower end of the global spectrum, data on women's autonomy in India indicate that there is a hidden emergency Having opened up a fresh conversation about the situation of women since the December 16, 2012 gang rape, has India done enough to address the...
More »Private interest as public purpose -Ram Singh
-The Hindu The Bill to amend the 2013 land acquisition Act is neither pro-farmer nor pro-poor Next week the economic agenda of the Narendra Modi government will face its biggest test in Parliament. The controversial Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Bill, 2015 (LARR) that has been introduced in Lok Sabha is due for consideration of the house on March 9. While the government seems...
More »NDA follows UPA in starving dalits, tribals of funds -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India The Narendra Modi government appears to have continued where the Congress regime left off as far as welfare of Dalits and adivasis is concerned. Plan allocation for schemes under various ministries and departments that serve dalits and adivasis remains much below the targeted levels in the Union Budget for 2015-16. Total Plan allocation in the recently presented Union Budget is Rs 4.65 lakh crore. To ensure that Plan funds...
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