-Outlook A break-up of the expenses suggests that an average of Rs 22,000 was spent per day on entertaining about 150-200 guests. “Its natural,” says BJP spokesperson Virendar Bisht after RTI query revealed that Uttarakhand chief ministerspent Rs 68,59,865 from the exchequer for buying snacks for his guests. "Such expenses are natural as most of the Janta Darbar & official meetings take place at CM office. But, if they go beyond a limit...
No water from Narmada, crisis looms large over Gujarat -Hiral Dave
-Hindustan Times Within a month of retaining power for the sixth consecutive time, the Vijay Rupani-led BJP government appealed farmers to not sow any crops this summer. Ahmedabad: Bhupat Lakum, a farmer from Adroda village near Gujarat’s Ahmedabad, was glued to his television set when Prime Minister Narendra Modi presided over a ceremony marking the completion of the Sardar Sarovar Dam on September 17 last year. The event terminated the 57-year-old project on...
More »U'khand CM's office spent more than Rs 68 lakh on 'chai, paani' in 10 months: RTI -Anupam Trivedi
-Hindustan Times An RTI query revealed that Trivendra Singh Rawat’s office spent Rs 68,59,865 on tea and refreshments since assuming office on March 18, 2017. Dehradun: The Uttarakhand chief minister’s office spent more than Rs 68 lakh on tea and refreshments in 10 months since he took charge last March, an RTI query has revealed. In a letter dated January 22, additional secretary (secretariat administration) Vinod Raturi told RTI activist Hemant Singh that Rs...
More »Don't believe the BJP and Congress claims that they're cleaning up poll funding -Milan Vaishnav
-ThePrint.in The larger lesson is clear: in an era when the Congress & the BJP can agree on next to nothing, they will gladly join hands to save their own skin. Among all the talk of the aam aadmi focus emerging from last week’s Budget, many people may have missed one of its most self-serving acts. This manoeuvre found no mention in the Union Finance Minister’s presentation itself, but was instead buried...
More »How NDA compares with UPA on government workforce
-HowIndiaLives.com/ Livemint.com The number of government employees under UPA I fell 2.7% and under UPA II rose 3.4%. In the four years of NDA, their count is projected to increase 7.2% by 2017-18 For a government whose stated calling card is “minimum government, maximum governance”, for a government battling to create jobs, its own house paints another picture: in four years under this Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA), the number...
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