Total Matching Records found : 334

Why you should probably stop eating wheat-George Dvorsky Wheat and grain-based foods are all around us. We love our bagels, pasta, bread, and breakfast cereals. For many, the thought of eliminating these staples from our diets seems wholly unreasonable, if not ludicrous. But a growing number of people are switching to wheat-free diets — and for very good reason. As science is increasingly showing, eating wheat increases the potential for a surprising number of health problems. Here's why...

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Climate change deaths up 5-fold since 1970

-The Times of India Even as one in four deaths worldwide in 2010 was caused by Heart Disease or stroke the top two killers that have remained constant for the past 40 years human mortality caused by climate change has shown the most dangerous spurt over the last four decades. The Global Burden of Disease Study, 2010, published by the British medical journal, The Lancet, on Thursday shows that there has been...

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At Kudankulam’s core is fear, ignorance and anger -Meera Srinivasan

-The Hindu To many in Idinthakarai, the village that sits cheek by jowl with the nuclear plant, the entire idea is a betrayal. Others see brighter prospects. As the reactor prepares to go critical, Meera Srinivasan assesses the mood in the project area. Seated at the entrance to her tiny home, R. Pramasakthi is busy rolling beedis. “What? Interview? We don’t need the nuclear plant,” she barked. Asked why, the 35-year-old mother of...

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Now, once-a-week diabetes drug in the works -Kounteya Sinha

-The Times of India A once-a-week medicine for diabetics — a disease that affects nearly 63 million Indians — could soon become a reality. Studies on diabetes have seen a global upsurge, with the latest data showing that bio-pharmaceutical research companies across the globe are busy developing 221 innovative new medicines. The drugs, which will help around 347 million patients include new therapies that target key abnormalities of pancreatic cells, increase insulin secretion...

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Diabetes on the rise among urban kids -Sanchita Sharma

-The Hindustan Times Children’s Day coinciding with Diabetes Day now has an ominous ring to it. One in every four children under 18 being diagnosed with diabetes in urban India has type-2 diabetes, which typically affects only adults in their 50s and 60s and is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Five years ago, adult-onset diabetes affected one in 10 children diagnosed with the disease, while almost no cases were reported a...

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