-The Hindu The project has been started in Edaiyapatti panchayat in Pudukottai Pudukottai district is one of the driest regions in Tamil Nadu. The major crops under tank fed and open well irrigation system in this region in Tamil Nadu are paddy, millets, black gram and groundnut. Pulses like green, black and red gram are generally grown as a rainfed crops especially during summer. But the harvested pulses do not fetch a good...
Heading towards a cliff -Kundan Pandey
-Down to Earth As India elects new government, the 12th Five Year Plan may no longer be pro-poor MUCH hope is pinned on the 12th Five Year Plan that was declared as the first health Plan by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government, while drafting the Plan, also termed it "pro-poor" and promised the maximum budget for social welfare schemes. But as the Plan comes into force this...
More »Fixing India’s healthcare system-AK Shiva Kumar
-Live Mint Strong political commitment is needed to build a system of universal health coverage and better regulations Life expectancy in India has more than doubled since independence, to 65 years, from just 32 in 1950. The infant mortality rate has been cut by two-thirds since 1971. Smallpox and guinea worm have been eradicated, the spread of HIV/AIDS has been contained, and the World Health Organization has declared India polio-free. Yet for all...
More »The Difficulty Of Being Good-Mukesh Rawat
-Tehelka It is time India had a Good Samaritan law It has been more than a year since the Nirbhaya rape case stirred the nation. Apart from the brutality inflicted upon the victim what else became a stigma for our society was the fact that no one came to the victim's rescue when the two were lying on the street naked and grievously injured. Of course people did cross them in luxurious...
More »Onion farmers for change, grape growers whining for status quo-Amruta Byatnal
-The Hindu Dindori (Maharashtra): This constituency in Nashik district does not occupy a particularly significant spot on the election map, but it presents a neat battle of "status quo vs. change" between its elite wine-grape farmers and onion growers. While onion farmers are rooting for change, grape growers are largely status-quoist, favouring the Congress for fear that a Bharatiya Janata Party-led government will not encourage the nascent wine industry in the country. Dindori,...
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