About 100 Rajya Sabha members have declared their assets worth more than Rs1 crore with independent Parliamentarian from Maharashtra Rahul Bajaj being the richest. According to an analysis by an NGO, renowned industrialist Bajaj has declared his movable and immovable assets worth over Rs300 crore followed by Janta Dal (Secular) MP M A M Ramaswamy (Karnataka) and T Subramani Reddy of Congress (Andhra Pradesh) who have declared assets of more than...
Rahul Bajaj richest, D. Raja poorest
With Rs 308 crore, industrialist Rahul Bajaj is the richest Rajya Sabha MP and CPI secretary D. Raja is the poorest Upper House member with zero assets. Unlike the Lok Sabha, the Election Commission does not declare information about Upper House members. The information is maintained by state assemblies. The NGO Association for Democratic Reforms got the information though the Right to Information for the first time. The data shows that Rajya...
More »Sonia back as NAC chief, to push 'aam admi' agenda
The National Advisory Council is back with Congress chief Sonia Gandhi at its head, promising to give a strong fillip to the UPA government's social sector agenda that is at the heart of the party's political strategy to consolidate its 'aam admi' base. The revival of the NAC, that had folded up following Sonia's resignation after the office-of-profit controversy, has been on the cards since the Supreme Court gave its...
More »Will Women's Reservation in Parliament make a Difference? by Jayati Ghosh
It may still happen. If the Women's Reservation Bill - which was tabled in the Rajya Sabha yesterday amidst chaos and disruption - does actually get passed by both houses of Parliament, it will bring to closure an issue that has been hanging fire for 14 years in national politics. It may even be law in time for the next general elections in the country. Of course, it will be...
More »Why half the sky is not enough by Suhasini Haidar
The lesson from the rest of the world is that seat reservation for women to merely increase their representation in the legislature will not do; they need to be empowered in the real sense. During the debate in Parliament and outside over the Women's Reservation Bill, many people have referred to quota “success stories” worldwide — proposing that India could gain from the experience of about 40 other countries that...
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