-The Indian Express On Sunday, Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren reacted to the findings by ordering a probe and promising to revamp the verification system. Chief Secretary Sukhdev Singh said verification “has been stopped” till the probe is completed. Ranchi: On October 31, barely 48 hours after The Indian Express told him that official records had listed 180 beneficiaries from his school for the Centre’s pre-Matric scholarship for minority students, the principal...
How India’s nutrition security can be improved -Binu Anand
-The Hindu Business Line The govt’s POSHAN Abhiyaan is a step in the right direction. But for it to succeed an empowered community must form its backbone and the measures adopted should be inclusive, across the urban-rural and literacy fault-lines POSHAN (nutrition) has become the buzzword within the development community in the last couple of years. The launch of Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Nutrition (POSHAN) Abhiyaan has given nutrition the much-required...
More »70% of households paid 25-100% more for tomato, potato and onion this year: Survey -Prashasti Awasthi
-The Hindu Business Line More than 16,000 responses from citizens across 242 districts were received Mumbai: Community social media platform LocalCircles conducted a survey to understand how much extra people were paying to purchase a kilogram of onions, potatoes and tomatoes. This comes as consumers show discernment over the rising price of these vegetables for the last two months. The survey also intended to understand the average amount a household paid this year...
More »Chhattisgarh CM launches scheme for distribution of fortified rice
-PTI/ The Hindu Raipur: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Sunday launched a scheme for distribution of fortified rice through Public distribution System (PDS) and other welfare initiatives for the people of Kondagaon district of the State on a pilot basis, an official statement said. While virtually launching the scheme from here on the statehood day, Mr. Baghel said it will help in checking malnutrition and anemia, it said. “The fortified rice is...
More »A secure future for platform workers -Lakshmee Sharma
-The Hindu There is a strong case to attribute a more robust responsibility to platform companies and the State The Code on Social Security Bill, 2020, for the first time in Indian law, attempted to define ‘platform work’ outside of the traditional employment category. It says: “Platform work means a work arrangement outside of a traditional employer-employee relationship in which organisations or individuals use an online platform to access other organisations or...
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