-PTI New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Wednesday directed all states and Union Territories to upload first information reports (FIRs) on their websites within 24 hours of registration at police stations. A bench comprising Justices Dipak MISra and C Nagappan, however, extended the time up to 72 hours for uploading of the FIRs for states that are located in difficult terrains where internet connectivity is poor. The apex court exempted the state police...
Reminder on sedition limit -R Balaji
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Supreme Court today asked all authorities to stick to the guidelines laid down by a Constitution bench 54 years ago while invoking the sedition law. The five-judge bench had ruled in 1962 that the sedition law could be activated only if "violence and public disorder" had been incited. The directive today came against a backdrop of complaints that sedition cases were being filed indiscriminately to crush dissent and...
More »Realising energy sector targets -Kirit S Parikh
-The Hindu A reasonable aim of 1,500 MT of coal production by 2022 and a calibrated renewable energy push should enable reaching ambitious targets. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s style is to set ambitious targets with impossible-looking deadlines. Perhaps he is inspired by a Gujarati poet who said, “Nishaan chuk maaf, nahi neechu nishaan” (MISsing the target can be forgiven, setting a low target cannot). This challenges his colleagues and staff to accomplish...
More »Sedition, defamation charges cannot be invoked for criticism: Supreme Court
-PTI The observation came as Advocate Prashant Bhushan, appearing for an NGO, said sedition was a serious offence and the law on it was being grossly MISused for stifling dissent. New Delhi: Sedition or defamation cases cannot be slapped on anyone criticising the government, the Supreme Court on Monday said in a clear message. “Someone making a statement to criticise the government does not invoke an offence under sedition or defamation law. We...
More »Why restrictions on stockholding and export of pulses must go -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express Govt must learn from MIStakes in onions and potatoes, agriculture should be spared of bearing the burden of its inflation targeting. Last week, Union Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced a 5% subsidy on onion exports in the form of transferable duty credit scrips that can be used to pay customs, excise or service tax. On top of it, the Maharashtra government extended a Rs 100 per quintal grant to...
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