-The Times of India Joining forces against the government, yoga guru Baba Ramdev and activist Anna Hazare on Friday said the duo will launch a nationwide campaign for a strong Lokpal and return of black money from May 1. The two leaders have also announced plans to sit on a day-long token fast in Delhi on June 3. "We need two movements to bring back black money and for a strong Lokpal....
Debate on poverty does not alter the reality of declining poverty or strategy to combat it-PP Sangal
The Planning Commission drew flak when it calculated that if an urban person spent 28 per head every day and someone in rural areas spent 22, that was enough to consider them to be above the poverty line. These figures are based on consumption expenditure data collected in the 66th round of NSSO for 2009-10. From these new estimates, using the Tendulkar Committee methodology, the number of poor in 2009-10 was...
More »Karnataka's BPO for RTI in limbo-Pradeesh Chandran
The government’s ambitious plan for setting up a business process outsourcing (BPO) centre for RTI filing is in a limbo as the company which won the bid has had no communication since winning the bid. The government was Planning to set up a BPO for the process in Bangalore through which the general public could file petitions under the Right to Information Act. The project, which was expected to be...
More »A welcome first -TK Rajalakshmi
Industry reacts with caution to the grant of a compulsory licence to Natco, but cancer patients welcome it and hope for many more. THE first compulsory licence (CL) issued by the Indian patent office, to the local drug manufacturer Natco Pharma Ltd to sell the generic version of Bayer AG's anti-cancer drug Nexavar, has led to varied reactions. The landmark decision has also raised concerns about the outcome of cases...
More »Bihar paradox: Phones outnumber toilets
-IANS Nearly 56 percent of families in Bihar have a mobile or landline connection, but about 77 percent of the population lack toilets, says a census report, highlighting the paradoxes in the state which has taken big leaps in development but also lagged behind in key areas. "Till 2001, only 2.2 percent families were using any kind of telecom facility in Bihar, now over half of its population owns a phone, as...
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