-The Indian Express The apex court has asked the two to make themselves available for trial and to remain present during the hearings. New Delhi: The Supreme Court Friday granted regular bail to tribal teacher Soni Sori and journalist Lingaram Kodopi in connection with a case in which they are accused of acting as conduits to receive protection money from Essar Group on behalf of Maoists. A Bench of Justices S S...
Disabled divided over Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill -Divya Chandrababu
-The Times of India CHENNAI: The UPA government is likely to introduce the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill in the Parliament during the second leg of the winter session which began on Wednesday. The bill has driven a wedge between disabled rights activists who have widely divergent opinions on the bill, which many see as a watered down version of the document made available by the government on the website of...
More »A retrograde and incoherent law -Amita Dhanda
-The Hindu The disability sector is torn between rejecting the Bill outright and assembling a few non-negotiables to have the Bill passed by the Lok Sabha After inter-governmental consultation and scrutiny by the Ministry of Law, the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2013 stands approved by the Union Cabinet. What has the Cabinet approved? Is it the same legislation formulated by a joint committee of civil society, States and Union Ministries...
More »UP worst in riots record, Maharashtra next
-PTI A maximum of 247 communal violence-related incidents, which claimed 77 lives, took place in Uttar Pradesh in 2013, the government told Rajya Sabha today. Maharashtra came next with 88 communal violence incidents last year followed by Madhya Pradesh (84), Karnataka (73), Gujarat (68), Bihar (63) and Rajasthan (52). While 12 people were killed in Maharashtra in these incidents, 11 people were killed in MP during the same period. Uttar Pradesh...
More »Clarify stand on UIDAI structure: SC
-The Business Standard Observes that giving Aadhaar to non-citizens shouldn't be a problem The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the government to clarify the structure of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to ascertain the legal validity of the agreements UIDAI had entered into with states. The court, while hearing a joint review petition by government agencies on its order on linking UID, or Aadhaar, numbers with government services, also...
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