-Firstpost.com In the latest development in the Koili Devi vs Union of India case, the Supreme Court has sought the Centre’s response to the plea that 'three crore ration cards are gone' Santoshi Kumari was an 11-year-old girl from Karimati village of the Jaldega block in Simdega district of Jharkhand. On September 28, 2017, Santoshi fell unconscious. "Bhaat (rice)," she pleaded, recalls her mother. The mother rushed to the nearest Public Distribution...
Only 11% low-income countries make their data open: World Bank report -Kiran Pandey
-Down to Earth Gaps in data on women and girls particularly severe; countries do not invest enough in public intent data systems, the report said Most countries have shied away from an open-data policy — more so countries with developing economies, according to a recent World Bank report. Only 11 per cent low-income countries consistently made available with a license classifiable as ’open’, the report flagged. The comparable rate for lower-middle-income countries was...
More »Centre tells worker welfare boards not to distribute items, stick to DBT
-The Hindu Aid to be transferred to bank accounts The Centre has ordered State welfare boards for building and other construction workers (BOCW) not to distribute household and other articles to workers and instead stick to transferring monetary assistance into their bank accounts. The Labour and Employment Ministry said in a statement on Thursday that it issued an order to States on Monday directing the boards not to distribute articles. The BOCW boards...
More »Let’s strengthen and not dilute the National Food Security Act -Himanshu
-Livemint.com * We must widen its coverage to feed the needy instead of letting subsidy reductions get the better of it * Subsidy reduction is a key aim of Niti Aayog’s proposal to reduce food-security coverage, but our subsidy level is not as high as it looks and the move could thwart efforts to achieve nutrition goals A recent discussion paper by the Niti Aayog has suggested a reduction in the coverage of...
More »The impasse over farm laws likely to go on till May -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com The farmers’ agitation at Delhi’s doorstep against laws enacted by the Centre hits the four-month mark on Friday. A Supreme Court-appointed committee has just submitted its report on the issue. Can the warring sides arrive at a resolution any time soon? Mint explores The farmers’ agitation at Delhi’s doorstep against laws enacted by the Centre hits the four-month mark on Friday. A Supreme Court-appointed committee has just submitted its report on...
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