-The Hindu Business Line The West Bengal Government will aim to provide up to 60 days' job to beneficiaries under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) this year. West Bengal has performed better than other States in the country in terms of providing rural employment, the Chief Minister, Ms Mamata Banerjee, said addressing a rally in Lalgarh village in West Midnapore district on Tuesday. “In spite of starting from the...
Tribe priority in caste census-Radhika Ramaseshan
The National Advisory Council will ask the Centre to focus the ongoing socio-economic caste census on enumerating and classifying denotified, nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes, or DNTs. The plan is to give these groups priority while issuing unique identity cards and introducing laws that will grant them explicit recognition on the lines of the 1992 statute on minorities. The NAC said special directives must be issued to the housing and urban poverty alleviation...
More »The right to work-Ruhi Tewari
Difficult times call for difficult measures. Pushed into a corner by an unsustainable fiscal deficit and various sectors and programs (including the proposed food security legislation) screaming for a greater share of the budget pie, the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in India has been forced to do what it might not have otherwise—reduce its marquee job guarantee scheme’s allocation in a big way for the first time. In one...
More »Public policy in a knowledge society-Shiv Visvanathan
Imagine you are a citizen racing across newspapers rapid fire. As you flip the pages you run across events like the Vedanta mining case, the Koodankulam nuclear controversy, the debate on poverty and reports about climate change. Each of these can be a life-threatening event and none of them have a life support system of knowledge which allows them to be debated in the open. The basic information comes from...
More »Don't shoot the messenger
-The Hindu The outcome of the Press Council of India's decision to challenge the Allahabad High Court gag order on reporting the movement of troops will be an acid test of how far the judiciary can go in curbing media freedoms. The court's order — which directed senior officials in the Home and I&B departments of the Centre and the Uttar Pradesh government to ensure that no news on the subject...
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