-The Hindu The Jan Swasthya Abhiyan on Monday called upon the Union Government to extend free medicine supply scheme, presently operational in a few States like rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, all over the country to reduce out-of-pocket expenditure of common people on health care. Such a scheme would especially benefit the patients deprived of any kind of treatment due to poverty. In a letter addressed to Union Health & Family Welfare Secretary...
The accountability of CAG-G Mohan Gopal
-The Indian Express Its report on the allocation of coal blocks is marred by a major legal error The legal fraternity celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court of India in 2000 with a book, Supreme, But Not Infallible. The unusual title of the book was a powerful way for the legal fraternity to remind itself, and the public, that the highest court in the land is fallible, that it can...
More »Veteran BJP MLA Sits on Hunger Strike for Better Roads
-Outlook Jodhpur: A veteran BJP MLA went on a sit-in hunger strike here today demanding repair of roads and cleaning of drains, forcing municipal officials to assure her immediate action. Surya Kanta Vyas, a legislator from Soorsagar constituency, began her strike at 10 am along with some supporters including BJP corporators and other party cadres. Around 4 pm, the CEO of Jodhpur Municipal Corporation (JMC) and other officials of the district administration arrived...
More »Centre for easy credit to rural population-Urmi Goswami
-The Economic Times The Centre plans to make bank creditaccess easier for rural population, especially in states were poverty is high. In Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Gujarat, the gap between credit available to self help groups and the demand for credit is stark. At present, 80 per cent of all bank support to SHGs is in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. In Uttar Pradesh, Madhya...
More »A Bill that asks too much of the poor-Jean Drèze & Reetika Khera
-The Hindu Instead of rigid targeting, the government must build on the success of the public distribution system which is quietly becoming a significant means of social support In earlier writings, we have drawn attention to the quiet revival of the public distribution system (PDS) in many States during the last few years. Market prices of PDS commodities — mainly rice and wheat — have sharply increased, giving people a much greater...
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