Seeks explanation on why Lokayukta has not been appointed in the State The Gujarat High Court on Thursday issued a notice to the Narendra Modi government asking it to explain why no Lokayukta had been appointed in the State so far. A Division Bench comprising justices Akil Kureshi and Sonia Gokani, issued the notice to the Chief Secretary, asking him to file an affidavit detailing the latest status. The court notice comes a...
Land acquisition bill in monsoon session of Parliament will go a long way in addressing contentious issues by Prabhakar Sinha
Land is the most important ingredient for the development of real estate and infrastructure. For quite some time now, land acquisition had become a contentious issue in the country, which has threatened not only the industrial development but also planned growth of cities in the country. In this backdrop, the central government's decision to introduce a land acquisition bill in the monsoon session of Parliament will go a long way...
More »Hazare is no Gandhi by Salil Tripathi
Until about a year ago, the number of Indians who knew the name of Kisan Baburao Hazare, popularly known as Anna Hazare, ran into a few thousand -- small change in a country of a billion people. The former army driver was known for his peculiar experiments of social reform in a village in Maharashtra, in western India. He had received national awards for his social work. By the end of...
More »RTI calls for systemic reform as followthrough
-The Economic Times We condemn the killing of Shehla Masood, a public-spirited woman of Bhopal who used the Right to Information (RTI) Act extensively to expose corruption and misgovernance on a range of issues. The state government must bring the culprits to book and investigate any possible links of the crime to public officials whose misconduct was under her investigation. This brings the number of RTI activists killed across the country so...
More »India's Selective Rage Over Corruption by Manu Joseph
The best thing about Indian politicians is that they make you feel you are a better person. Not surprisingly, Indians often derive their moral confidence not through the discomfort of examining their own actions, but from regarding themselves as decent folks looted by corrupt, villainous politicians. This is at the heart of a self-righteous middle-class uprising against political corruption, a television news drama that reached its inevitable climax in Delhi on...
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