Turmeric has reaped gold in Andhra Pradesh's Nizamabad district. Turmeric farmers B Pedolla Chinnaya and Badam Maruthi are celebrating their new prosperity at the local auto dealer. While Mr Chinnaya has plumped for a Hyundai Santro, Mr Maruthi has used his cash bonanza on namesake Maruti Swift. Chinnaya and Maruthi belong to Ergatla village where each has about four acres of land. While Chinnaya has made Rs 9 lakh from 90 quintals...
Punjab farmers face labour shortage
With the shortage of migrant workers in Ludhiana, the farmers here are a worried lot and flock the railway station to find labourers to work in their fields. The labours basically migrate from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh and work in the farms in Punjab. The farmers waiting outside the railway station in search of labourers said they are having a tough time convincing the labourers to work in their fields. The farmers are...
More »Buoyant Pepsi to take contract farming to troubled states by Seema Sindhu
Ram Prasad Ghosal, a potato farmer from Bamunpara (Dist Burdwan) in West Bengal, owns 10 acres of land. Just two months earlier, though, his ilk faced a major scare. The region witnessed a bumper potato crop of 9.5 million tonnes — 73 per cent higher than last year’s production. Wholesale prices in Kolkata crashed to Rs 300 a quintal. Retail prices, too, dropped to Rs 6-8 a kg. Farmers were...
More »Paddy, pulses support price hiked
THE government on Thursday raised the minimum support price of paddy by Rs 50 per quintal to Rs 1000 per quintal in what may push up its food subsidy bill, pegged at Rs 5 5,578.18 crore in the current fiscal. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also increased the minimum support price of pulses by up to Rs 700 to touch Rs 3,170 a...
More »Liquor lobby bets on NREGS to fuel rural thirst by Jinka Nagaraju
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) has had an unintended side effect: a record rise in the consumption of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) among poor rural families, all thanks to the unprecedented sums of money that the scheme placed in their hands. And the politico-realtor lobby’s record bids for the two-year liquor licences across AP on Monday appears to be in the hope of reaping a bumper Harvest...
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