The Calcutta High Court on Thursday directed the Hooghly District Magistrate to submit a report on the alleged incidents of PILferage and loot at the site of the Tata Motors car factory (since relocated), after the Singur Land Rehabilitation and Development Act, 2011 came into force. Justice Soumitra Pal asked the District Magistrate to submit the report by 11 a.m. Friday, when hearing on Tata Motor's petition challenging the constitutional...
Land allotment to Mundra SEZ fine: court by Manas Dasgupta
In a major relief to the Ahmedabad-based Adani Group, the Gujarat High Court has disposed of a bunch of Public Interest Litigation petitions challenging the State government's allotment of about 1,000 acres of land to the Adanis for setting up the Mundra Special Economic Zone in Kutch district. ‘No merit' A Division Bench, comprised by Chief Justice S.J. Mukhopadhyaya and Justice Akil Kureshi, did not find any merit in the PILs which...
More »ASHAs to deliver contraceptives at home by Aarti Dhar
Focussing on population stabilisation and meeting the unmet demands of contraceptives, the mission steering group (MSG) of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) on Tuesday decided to utilise Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) for delivery of contraceptives at the homes of beneficiaries. For this, ASHAs can charge Re. 1 for a pack of 3 condoms, Re. 1 for an Oral Contraceptive PILl (OCP) cycle and Rs. 2 for an Emergency...
More »The Bitter PILls by Debarshi Dasgupta
India’s FTAs pip generic drugs production Lot More For Less * Generic drugs from India play a major role as antiretroviral drugs across the developing world * A 2010 study says 80% of the medicines used by donor-funded programmes to treat people with HIV were sourced from India * It’s cut down treatment costs drastically, from $10,000 to $80 * Stronger IP regimes may hamper production of generics *** The right of...
More »Poor women used as guinea pigs in Andhra
-The Times of India Exactly a decade after farmers in Palnadu region sold their kidneys to clear their mounting debts, poverty-stricken women from the backward Palnadu region have fallen prey to clinical trials by a Hyderabad-based pharma company. The clinical tests on human beings, reportedly without the requisite permission of the state government, came to light on Thursday when some of the victims fell seriously ill in Piduguralla town. Many of...
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