-The Indian Express Tuesday’s discussion took place between Ayushman Bharat CEO Indu Bhushan and Odisha Health minister Naba Das. State health secretary Pramod Meherda was also present. Bhubaneswar: The Odisha government on Tuesday held its FIRst round of talks with the Centre to explore the feasibility of implementing the Ayushman Bharat Yojana in the state. Advertising Such a meeting is significant, say BJD leaders, since the state government had thus far refused to...
Safety and Access: Evaluating Delhi Govt's Decision on Public Transport -Kalpana Viswanath
-TheWire.in It is important to look at the issue not just through the binary of whether one is for it or against it. The Delhi government’s decision to make public transport free for women has been hotly since it was announced on Monday, with many people taking a strong position on either side. I think it useful to view the many dimensions of the issue, instead of seeing it as a binary...
More »PM's income support scheme will benefit over 8 lakh large farmers -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Extending the assured income support (PM-Kisan) scheme for farmers, approved by the new government in its FIRst Cabinet meeting last Friday, will also benefit over eight lakh big landholders — having landholding size of 10 hectares (nearly 25 acres) and more — across the country. Though such big landholders account for merely 0.6% of total farmers in India, their numbers in some states, such as Rajasthan,...
More »The sum and substance of the jobs data -Sonalde Desai
-The Hindu Rising unemployment must also be seen as a function of rising education and aspirations The report from the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) is finally out, garnering a lot of attention based on selective reading of tables and spurring partisan debates. In particular, the staggering increase in the unemployment rate, from 1.7% in 2011-12 to 5.8% in 2017-18 for rural men and from 3.0% to 7.1% for urban men, has...
More »Agri Ministry projects record rice, wheat output for 2018-19
-The Hindu Business Line Third estimates peg total foodgrain output at 283.3 mt despite below-par monsoon rain Rice and wheat production in the country scaled new heights taking total foodgrain output in 2018-19 to 283.37 million tonnes (mt), a tad lower than the 285 mt foodgrains produced in the previous year, according to the third advance foodgrain estimates released by the Agriculture Ministry on Monday. Despite a below-par monsoon, rice output was projected...
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