A special medical team from Delhi is scheduled to arrive in Gujarat in a day or two to study the cause of death of four children after they were given oral vaccines for measles in Adipur-Kutch on Wednesday. An official spokesman of the State government said Foods and Drugs Division officials had collected samples of the same vaccines from other major centres in the State including Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot and...
Antibiotic challenges, dilemmas, policies by KS Jacob
India faces the challenge of inappropriate use of antibiotics while Bharat copes with poor access to treatment, resulting in a policy conundrum and inaction. India was recently in the news for the wrong reasons. The serious threat posed by the newly discovered microbe, NDM-1 (New Delhi metallo--lactamase-1), resistant to many antibiotics, triggered alarm and panic. Predictions that the country will not meet the millennium development goal for child mortality caused dismay....
More »“Farmer suicide is not the crisis, it is the outcome”
Sainath cautions West Bengal that it is in a very fragile situation ‘Eastern India fares better in agrarian crisis compared to Western States' Warns against following practices of corporate-led agriculture Even though West Bengal is one of the only three States in the country that has seen a decline in the rates of farmer suicides over the last 15 years, the situation in the State as in the rest of the country is...
More »Invest more in female health workers: NGO
Save the Children, an NGO has called for greater investment in female health workers as essential to saving mothers' and children's lives. “Every year, close to two million children die before their fifth birthday, and around 67,000 women die annually from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth — but investment in women as community health workers can play a major role in dramatically reducing these figures,” said a statement issued by...
More »Indian brides herald a toilet revolution by Nilanjana Bhowmick
Young women are part of a campaign to bring much-needed social change and improve sanitation facilities If you don't have a toilet at home, you might not get a bride in India. In a silent revolution of sorts, Indian women across the country, especially in rural and semi-urban areas, have a single condition before they agree to a match – the groom must have a toilet in his home. The "No Toilet,...
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