The Talegaon Dabhade police are checking the details of the cases, which were being pursued by RTI activist Arun Mane, to identify the persons behind the attack on the activist. Mane, a close associate of whistleblower Satish Shetty, was assaulted by an unidentified person at his footwear shop in Talegaon, about 40 km from here, on Sunday. Mane sustained minor injuries on his forehead chest. He was discharged from hospital...
Left licks lips for GM fruit
A powerful central CPM leader has said “it is superstitious to completely oppose” genetically modified seeds, a shift that goes against the Left Front stand in Bengal that has a high stake in the debate. “It is superstitious to completely oppose these kinds of seeds. Such seeds could be used after thoroughly ensuring through tests that they would not harm human beings, animals and plants,” S. Ramachandran Pillai, CPM politburo member,...
More »RTI activist attacked in Pune
Right to Information activist Arun Mane was on Sunday assaulted by unidentified assailants in a village near here, but he escaped with minor injuries, police said. Mr. Mane was attacked with sticks by the group when he went to open his shop at Talegaon Dabhade. The attackers fled the scene when people around raised an alarm, they said. “He has sustained minor injuries and is out of danger,” Superintendent of Police (Rural) Pratap...
More »Flawed evidence and conclusions by Madabhushi Sridhar
The sentencing of Dr. Binayak Sen involves unverified charges, and unreasonable and unconstitutional findings. The constitutional validity of the charges of sedition and conspiracy that were used to implicate rights activists such as Binayak Sen merely for their anti-establishment political thoughts needs to be challenged. The action ridicules the constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression. The sections of the Indian Penal Code that deal with “conspiracy to wage war against the government”...
More »Rule and intent by V Venkatesan
The Central government's newly proposed RTI rules make its intentions suspect. GOVERNMENTS which have only superficial commitment to the promotion of human rights often come under considerable pressure from within to impose stealthily restrictions on their exercise. They try to introduce such restrictions without much publicity, seek to execute them in a tearing hurry, and couch them in legal jargon. The Central government's proposal to notify the Right to Information...
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