-The Hindu Information panel calls for time bound investigation The Central Information Commission (CIC) has directed the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to disclose information on its investigation and recovery of money from the perpetrators of the Saradha Realty chit fund scam. Investigations must be time bound and transparent keeping in mind the interests of lakhs of affected investors, said CIC. The Rs.10,000 crore Saradha chit fund scam came to LIGht...
Why is the government merging India's statistics bodies? -Dhirendra Tripathi
-Livemint.com * NSSO and CSO are to be merged into what will be known as NSO * The order puts the merged entity under Mospi secretary The ministry of statistics and programme implementation (MoSPI) passed an order on 23 May to merge the Central Statistics Office (CSO) and National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) into the National Statistical Office (NSO). Mint analyses what led to the decision. * When was a revamp of the statistical...
More »Bt brinjal: Where do we stand? -Rohit Parakh
-Financial Express Given the health impacts of Bt brinjal on animals, one needs to keep in mind that the GM crop surely cannot be declared as safe. Bt brinjal has been found to be released illegally and predictably it has sparked furious reactions on all sides. Some have unsurprisingly already started to ask for Bt brinjal moratorium to be lifted in the LIGht of illegal Bt brinjal cultivation. In the LIGht of...
More »It's about social justice, not welfare -Abusaleh Shariff and Mohsin Alam Bhat
-The Indian Express To fulfil the constitutional requirement, reservation must be based on a rigorous identification of economic backwardness. The introduction of the 124th constitutional amendment that provides the possibility of quotas for the “economically weaker sections” (EWS) has rekindled the debate on reservations. These quotas diverge from reservation policies for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other socially and educationally backward classes, by jettisoning caste or community identity as the...
More »HC brings RWAs, registered societies under RTI ambit -Shilpy Arora
-IANS GURUGRAM (Haryana): The Punjab and Haryana high court has issued an order, directing all societies (RWAs and others) registered under Haryana Registration and Regulation of Society Act, 2012, to provide information to public under provisions of the RTI Act, 2005. According to the order, all documents filed by a registered society with the district registrar under 2012 Act are public documents and can be accessed by any citizen under provisions of...
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