Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on Tuesday made an emotional appeal for the Jaitapur nuclear power project saying that he would never tolerate an unsafe project for Maharashtra at any cost. Speaking at an “open house” on the project at the Y. B. Chavan auditorium here, the Chief Minister said that in setting up this project about 60 to 65 per cent of the work would be done by Indian companies....
Journalists in 2G tapes will face PAC: Joshi
Journalists, whose names have cropped up in the 2G scam tapes, will face the Public Accounts Committee, PAC chairman Murli Manohar Joshi has said. Joshi, in an interview to Aaj Tak, said, "Editors and senior journalists who have incriminated themselves in a way on the 2G scam tapes will be summoned by the PAC", Joshi said. He added that the telecom scam had caused huge losses to the exchequer and that if...
More »A Fable For The Cola-Wallahs by Saba Naqvi and Debarshi Dasgupta
In post-globalisation India, middle-class heroes are usually entrepreneurs who make a fast buck, stars that glitter brightly and talk glibly, cricketers who hit the ball hard. In an aspirational world of consumer goods, fine dining and malls, values such as service, integrity, simplicity are becoming rare. Perhaps that is why the story of Binayak Sen, the skilled doctor who turned his back on material success to work among the poor...
More »‘TISS report not scientific'
The recent social impact assessment report of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences TISS) on the Jaitapur power plant is a people's report and not a scientific one, according to S.K. Jain, Chairperson and Managing Director of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) which is implementing the project. Addressing the media on Friday after the commissioning of the spent fuel reprocessing plant by the Prime Minister, Mr. Jain...
More »Citizens, not numbers by Nandini Sundar
If home minister P Chidambaram’s recent letter to West Bengal chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee is any indication, it has taken the Union home ministry seven years to realise that arming civilians to fight Naxalites is a bad idea. How much longer will it take for them to realise that the current paramilitary-based approach in Chhattisgarh is similarly bound to fail? From 2003 onwards, the home ministry has followed a policy of...
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