-PTI The BJP alleged there was a "big scam" worth Rs 10,000 crore in the implementation of the scheme and demanded strict action against those responsible Expressing serious concern over the implementation of the Rs 52,000-crore farm debt waiver scheme, government auditor Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) on Tuesday said in several cases ineligible farmers were given benefit while deserving ones were left out. The CAG has also found instances of tampering of...
Fleeting victory, constant fear-Santosh Singh
-The Indian Express Nagri, Bhojpur: Residents of Nagri in Bihar’s Bhojpur had spent 12 years waiting for justice after the killing of 10 people, nine of them of scheduled castes and OBCs and one a Muslim, during a caste attack on May 11, 1998. And after they felt justice had finally come, it proved short-lived. “First, we had to wait 12 years before the lower court finally handed the death sentence to...
More »Government for crop diversification in Punjab to save soil, water-Rituraj Tiwari
-The Economic Times The government plans to revive cultivation of crops that make Punjab's iconic "makki ki roti and sarson ka saag" -- maize and mustard -- along with horticulture and fodder to breathe life into the stressed soil and the rapidly depleting water table in the green-revolution state. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is pushing hard for crop diversification in Punjab and has appointed an inter-ministerial panel on crop diversification led by Agriculture...
More »3 anti-POSCO protesters killed by bomb blasts
-Reuters Bhubaneshwar: At least three people protesting against plans for a $12 billion steel project by South Korea’s POSCO in Odisha were killed by crude bombs on Saturday, police said. Police said those killed in the village of Patna in Odisha were probably making the bombs themselves, but a protest group spokesman said the dead activists were victims of an attack by supporters of the steel project. “We strongly condemn this barbaric and...
More »Hope trumps realism-Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
-The Asian Age Sonia Gandhi’s economic and political ideology may have apparently triumphed over that of Manmohan Singh. The neo-liberal finance minister Palaniappan Chidambaram may be conveying an impression that he’s turned socialist with a vengeance by increasing taxes on the rich in the run-up to the 16th general elections. But the truth is that Mr Chidambaram has made certain assumptions about subsidies, inflation and the expected growth of gross domestic product...
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