Total Matching Records found : 2574

Emerging economies have the worst records of underage workers

The Child Labour Index and map, produced by global risks advisory firm Maplecroft, rates 68 countries as ‘extreme risk’ with Bangladesh, China, India, Nigeria and Pakistan amongst those with the most widespread abuses of child workers.According to the ILO, there are 215 million children working throughout the world, many full-time. Of these, 115 million are exposed to hazardous forms of child labour. The index evaluates 196 countries on the prevalence,...

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90,000 babies die in Bihar in first month of birth by Arun Kumar

About 90,000 children die every year in Bihar within the first month of their birth, according to state principal secretary, health, C K Mishra. Inaugurating the first annual convention of National Neonatology Forum (NNF), Bihar chapter, on Sunday, Mishra said out of about 29 lakh children born every year in Bihar, 1.60 lakh die before completing one year of life. Of these, about two-thirds or about 90,000 die within the first...

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Mining industry unhappy over profit-sharing clause

The decision of the Group of Ministers (GoM) to force mining companies to share 26 per cent of their profits with local and project affected people hasn’t gone down well with the industry.Union Mines Minister B K Handique had said the Bill in this regard had been approved by the GoM.Hemant Nerurkar, managing director, Tata Steel, said: “I don’t think that is the way forward. Look at the world: no...

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Tribals win share of mineral wealth by SPS Pannu

Faced with a massive public outcry and fierce opposition from tribals, the government has, in a landmark move, decided to give tribals and other affected populations a share of the profits made from exploiting mineral resources from their land. The Group of Ministers (GoM) headed by finance minister Pranab Mukherjee on Friday finalised the contours of the draft for a new mining bill, which makes it mandatory for mining companies to...

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New food security report for Asia launched in Mumbai

A new food security report for Asia has been launched in Mumbai by The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the Asia Society, calling for increased investment in rice research. The report, Never an empty bowl: sustaining food security in Asia, emphasizes the importance of rice as the primary staple food in Asia and a major source of income for Asian farmers. It also recommends more research on: climate change mitigation for...

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