-The Hindu The CEO of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana on the challenges and scope of the scheme and responses from the States Indu Bhushan is the CEO of the world’s largest government-funded health insurance scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY), which was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 23. Until his appointment as CEO of PM-JAY, Mr. Bhushan served as director general for the East Asia...
In A UP District, Death From Hunger, As Governance, Social Security Collapse -Avantika Mehta
-Indiaspend.com Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh: "CM-ji, my older brother died of hunger, please save me," hissed a skeletal figure in a video taken by freelance journalist Anoop Kumar on September 13, 2018. The emaciated face belonged to 26-year-old Feku, who fell into a coma soon after and died in a government hospital at 5:30 a.m. on September 14. Residents of Khirkia village in Kushinagar district of Uttar Pradesh (UP), brothers Feku and Pappu,...
More »Richest 10% of Indians own over 3/4th of wealth in India -Manas Chakravarty
-Livemint.com While wealth has been rising in India, not everyone has shared in this growth. There is still considerable wealth poverty, says Credit Suisse’s India wealth report The richest 10% of Indians own 77.4% of the country’s wealth, says Credit Suisse in their 2018 Global Wealth Report. The bottom 60%, the majority of the population, own 4.7%. The richest 1% own 51.5% (chart 1 above). And it’s not some bleeding-heart NGO that’s...
More »Is "Formalisation" possible? -CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
-Networkideas.org In recent times, the clamour for formalising economic activity, or shrinking its unorganised component and expanding the organised, has been heard from diverse sources. There are those who want formalisation to occur because the unorganised sector is seen as being largely outside the direct and indirect tax net, depriving the government of much needed resources. Hence, for example, one feature seen as favouring the Goods and Services Tax regime is...
More »Lip service to labour rights -Indira Hirway
-The Hindu The exodus of migrant labour from GujaRAT highlights the indifference of States to their well being and rights GujaRAT is one of the top States in India that receive migrant workers, largely temporary and seasonal, on a large scale. In GujaRAT, they work in unskilled or semi-skilled jobs in a wide range of activities such as in agriculture, brick kilns and construction work, salt pans and domestic work, petty services...
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