-The Hindu In yet another instance of highhandedness and inhuman behaviour, the Uttar Pradesh police severely beat up the three-year-old daughter of an under-trial prisoner just because he took the child in his arms. He was trying to pacify the child, who had started crying when the police took him intocustody at the court premises. Upset with the media report regarding the incident, the National Human Rights Commission, which suo motu took...
Arvind Panagariya, a professor of Indian economics at Columbia University interviewed by Ullekh NP
-The Economic Times Arvind Panagariya, a professor of Indian economics at Columbia University, hits out at Nobel laureate and Harvard University professor Amartya Sen over his call to confront MPs with the "number of deaths" a delayed Food Security Bill can cause. The former chief economist at the Asian Development Bank counters Sen's argument that it is high social spending that has contributed to the economic growth of Asian economies such...
More »Hate speech case fixed to help Varun, says Tehelka
-IANS BJP leader Varun Gandhi, who was acquitted of all charges of making hate speeches before the 2009 Lok Sabha polls, "brazenly subverted the entire judicial process to get his name cleared," according to an expose by news magazineTehelka. The magazine on Wednesday said its "investigation proves that not only did Varun make the venomous speeches he is accused of, he has compounded the original wrong by brazenly subverting the entire judicial...
More »West Bengal EC to move court, again, on rural polls order-Marcus Dam
-The Hindu It wants the court to delete certain expressions from its verdict Kolkata: In a significant development, the West Bengal State Election Commission has decided to file an application before the Calcutta High Court seeking the deletion of certain expressions the Court made in its ruling in the dispute between the Commission and the State government over rural elections in the State. "We have decided to take the appropriate steps to...
More »Age of graft -CP Chandrasekhar
-Frontline Corruption tends to be greater in periods when there is a state-engineered redistribution of wealth in favour of a few at the explicit or implicit expense of the many. Liberalisation is one such period. IT cannot be verified and may not be true. But, the view that the record of graft and corruption during the two-term, nine-year rule of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) is the worst in India's post-Independence...
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