Total Matching Records found : 13961

World population set to grow another 2.2 billion by 2050: UN survey

-United Nations The world’s population is set to grow by 2.2 billion between now and 2050, the UN said on Wednesday, and more than half of that growth - 1.3 billion - is likely to be in sub-Saharan Africa, where women’s rights are hampered by limited access to healthcare and education, along with “entrenched gender discrimination”. Monica Ferro, Director of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) in Geneva, said the trend globally is...

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This gel can protect farmers from toxic pesticides -Dinesh C Sharma

-The Hindu Business Line The gel, poly-Oxime has been prepared by InStem researchers from nucleophilic polymer New Delhi: Indian farmers usually do not wear any protective gear while spraying chemicals in fields. This exposes them to harmful toxics contained in pesticides, causing severe health impacts and even death in extreme cases. Indian scientists have now developed a protective gel to address this problem. The gel can be applied on skin and can break...

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Not enough jobs, private investments missing: What's wrong with the world's fastest growing economy? -Dinesh Unnikrishnan A report from RATing agency CARE, released early this week, revealed that India's employment scenario is not looking good. It said job growth in corpoRATe India modeRATed to 3.8 percent in fiscal year 2018, from 4.2 percent in the previous fiscal and the problem is most severe with smaller companies.     The report, based on an analysis of over 1,600 corpoRATes, said smaller companies with net sales of less than Rs...

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Bumper Harvest, Yet 20 Crore Indians Go Hungry -Subodh Varma An indifferent Modi government promises to eliminate hunger not before 2030. CelebRATions were barely over in New Delhi on the news that the 2017-18 agricultural year had yielded a record harvest of both foodgrains (284.83 million tonnes) and fruits and vegetables (307 million tonnes) when another bit of news trickled in last week, largely ignored by the government. This was that India stood at rank 103 in the Global Hunger Index...

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The India that does not shine is bigger than the India that does -Anup Sinha

-The Telegraph The obsession with economic growth and the stock market hides other important facts about the condition of the economy Every time quarterly or monthly reports of the Indian economy are announced there is a reaction in the media. If the results are worse than the previous ones, then impending doom is forecast. If the results are better than the previous ones, there is unbridled optimism about future economic prospects. Both...

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