-The Hindu "It deserves to be thrown into the dustbin" The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected the magisterial probe report on the Tarn Taran incident, in which a girl and her father were beaten up by the Punjab police, as it justified the attack on the duo. A Bench of Justices G.S. Singhvi and Kurian Joseph told Additional Solicitor-General Siddharth Luthra, appearing for the Punjab government, "the report does not have the value...
Rise in power tariffs shifts debate to quality- Kirthi V Rao and Utpal Bhaskar
-Live Mint Tariffs reach at least Rs.4 per unit in many states, finds analysis, amid efforts to bail out state discoms Indian domestic consumers in 16 states are paying at least `4 per unit for power and in some cases even more, according to an analysis, thus giving the lie to the long-held axiom that raising tariffs is nearly impossible in India given the political compulsions. The finding also shows conclusively that...
More »Government eases curbs on sugar sector- Ragini Verma
-Live Mint CCEA clears recommendations on sugar sector made by Rangarajan panel; subsidy burden to rise Pushing ahead with long-pending reforms of the sugar industry, the cabinet on Thursday approved the dismantling of rules requiring sugar mills to sell the sweetener at below-market prices through the public distribution system (PDS) and abolished curbs on open market sale. The cabinet committee on economic affairs cleared the recommendations made by a panel headed by C....
More »Harvesting food security-Baba Mayaram
-The Hindu At the foothills of Datla mountain of Satpuda Valley in the Hoshangabad district of Madhya Pradesh is located the picturesque village of Dhadaw. Located on the banks of Dudhi River that also defines the boundary of the district, Dhadaw falls in the district's forest belt. Within the periphery of this village lies a world that has efficiently maintained the essence of traditional agricultural practices - a remarkable feat at...
More »Food as a right
-The Hindu In its latest form, the National Food Security Bill, 2013 promises to address the extreme irony of an ambitious nation holding mountains of food in storage, while masses of its people are undernourished or even starving. The right to food is finally on the threshold of being legislated. Every step taken to widen the coverage of food security schemes is an advance. Yet, the empirical truth is that...
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