-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Wednesday has refused to stay proceedings in cases filed in other High Courts and lower courts against the demonetisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes. A bench led by Chief Justice of India TS Thakur said the petitions in the various courts highlight "the different inconveniences highlighted in the various cases filed across the country, maybe some relief can be had by these people". Earlier, the...
Small farmers, farm workers bear the brunt as cash becomes scarce
-The Hindu Stories of distress, following a year of drought and now demonetisation, reverberate through State BENGALURU: First, the water in their fields disappeared, and now, the cash in the market. For Rajaiah of Boovanahalli in Hassan district, the cash crunch following demonetisation has seen his yet-to-be harvested maize shrouded in uncertainty. “There are no merchants to purchase as they have no cash,” he said. There is desperation, however, as his entire produce...
More »Vanishing Note, Yawning Chasm -Shaji Vikraman
-The indian Express Govt hopes demonetisation will accelerate India's drive towards a cashless economy. The challenge, however, is to get the unbanked millions into the net. Mumbai: FOR MOST of this year, bankers at State Bank of India, the country’s largest bank, were trying hard to market Point of Sales (POS) machines for debit and credit cards to small businesses and establishments. This would give the bank access to funds at relatively...
More »Dr. Kavita Rao, professor at National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), interviewed by Supriya Sharma (Scroll.in)
-Scroll.in The author of a paper published by a research institute under the Ministry of Finance expands on its conclusions. The drying up of cash has thrown the lives of millions of Indians in disarray. But many facing hardship support the government’s move. In Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, a farmer who did not have cash to buy seeds and fertilisers, said, “Now when rich people deposit money in the bank, the income tax people...
More »Less cash and low stocks make wheat prices climb -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express In wheat, the situation has been worsened by stocks with FCI — at 18.84 million tonnes (mt) as on November 1 — at a nine-year low. New Delhi: Wheat prices have spiralled, reflecting the precarious domestic stocks position and concerns over production of new crop because farmers are unable to arrange sufficient cash for cultivation operations, following the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes. Wheat was sold...
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