-The Hindu There is an anti-corruption mood in the country, which has to be channelised properly. This sentiment is on top of everybody's mind as despite so many scams breaking out, very little has been done in investigating them, according to N. Ram, Editor-in-Chief, The Hindu. “We are still in the process of building a nation we can be proud of. Why did it take so long to investigate the 2G...
Land for the boys by MJ Antony
In its wisdom, the state giveth and the state taketh away. When it acquires farmlands claiming eminent domain, there is blood on the streets. However, when it quietly bestows largesse on chosen ones, it is barely noticed. At worst there is a lawsuit. There were a dozen lengthy judgments from the Supreme Court in the past two months on land acquisition disputes — a mark of the times. But the biased...
More »Economist Shiva Kumar appointed advisor
-The Economic Times Development economist A K Shiva Kumar has been appointed as an advisor by the Sikkim Government for formulating the second State Human Development Report. Kumar, who is a development economist and adviser to the UNICEF- India , teaches economics and public policy at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. He works on issues of poverty, health, nutrition, education along with women and children rights. He is also a founding...
More »Free and compulsory education to be extended up to class X by Aarti Dhar
CABE approves drafting of law to check malpractices in schools The provision of free and compulsory education will soon be extended up to Class X. A proposal to this effect was approved at a meeting of the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) — the highest decision-making body on education in the country — held here on Tuesday. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009, provides for...
More »A weakness born of bad intent by Siddharth Varadarajan
Like millions of others across India, I have spent the past week repelled by the spectacle of a weak government entering into improbable contortions over the naive and somewhat bizarre demands of Baba Ramdev. And when the “toughness” followed in the early hours of Sunday, it came in a typically cowardly fashion — with police action in the dead of the night against unarmed supporters who did not pose an...
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