-The Times of India National Commission for SCs may summon officials of Gautam Buddh Nagar, claiming that two dalit boys were missing since the police action on Bhatta Parsaul. NCSC chief P L Punia's day-long visit on Thursday to the villages hit by farmer-police clashes appeared an extension of Congress's campaign against UP chief minister Mayawati, starting with Rahul Gandhi 's sensational charge of mass murder and rape. Punia said dalit boys...
Focus on food, not vote by Shankkar Aiyar
The debate over the National Food Security Act has been reduced to a circus for political parties, NGOs and the National Advisory Council to perform verbal calisthenics. The discussion on who is entitled, who is not entitled and who should be entitled has gone on for over two years. The discourse is deteriorating into informed nit-picking. The time for debate is over; the time for decision is overdue. Let us get...
More »Govt drops move to divide dalits into sub-groups by Subodh Ghildiyal
The move to divide dalits into sub-groups seems headed for cold storage, amid indications that the Centre is apprehensive of the political consequences of the proposal which has polarized the volatile community along sub-Castes. The social justice ministry has recalled its earlier proposal to amend the Constitution to facilitate division of the SC list as per wishes of some states. It will now seek the views of states on the entire...
More »Pranab promises consultations on draft Lokpal Bill by K Balchand
It was a warm summer’s morning last week in teeming old Faridabad, a chaotic, industrial town where nearly half the people live in slums. Praveen Kumar was talking to students at a government girls’ senior secondary school. They complained about the broken fans, and they told him how there was just one sweeper to clean the stinky toilet. A lean, graying man with a receding hairline and neatly trimmed moustache, 51-year-old...
More »Mending the Food Security Act by Jean Drèze
The National Advisory Council has proposed a framework for the National Food Security Act. But its potential could be wasted by a flawed approach to the PDS. Two years have passed since the Central government announced that a draft National Food Security Act (NFSA) would be posted on the Food Ministry's website “very soon.” After prolonged deliberations, a detailed framework for this Act has recently been proposed by the National Advisory...
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