The backward Sehriya community in Rajasthan will now get work for 200 days instead of 100 days under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Act (MGNREGA) this year, an official said."The state government has issued direction to provide job for 200 days per family in Sehriya community during the current fiscal year. The state government will bear the cost of additional 100 days," he said.The Gehlot government had announced the...
Analysis: Doubts over role of cash transfers in women's empowerment
Doubts are emerging over whether cash transfers, designed to strengthen local markets, also empower women and change gender roles in emergencies. "Gender relations are quite complex and you cannot assume US$50 is going to change that," Sarah Bailey, research officer at the Humanitarian Policy Group, told IRIN. "You cannot assume targeting women necessarily leads to their empowerment or promotes gender equality." According to a joint report by Oxfam Great Britain and Concern...
More »Learning with the Times: Endosulfan has chronic adverse effects on humans
What is Endosulfan? Endosulfan is a pesticide which was introduced in the 1950s and soon became a leading chemical to fight a broad spectrum of insects. The out-of-patent pesticide is marketed under several names across the world. The most common of these names is Thiodane. It is used in paddy, cotton, vegetables, fruits, cashew, tea, coffee and a wide range of other crops. Because of its effectiveness against termites, it is...
More »Male preserve by TK Rajalakshmi
Haryana records the lowest adult sex ratio in the country, and its Jhajjar district has the worst adult and child sex ratios. THE results of the provisional Census revealed that Haryana as a whole registered the lowest adult sex ratio in the country and also had the lowest child sex ratio (CSR). Among the State's districts, Jhajjar recorded the lowest adult as well as child sex ratio, and within the district,...
More »Worrisome trend by TK Rajalakshmi
The CSR has declined in 27 States and Union Territories, recording an all-time low, while the adult sex ratio has improved, though slowly. WHEN the provisional data from Census 2011 were released on March 31, the worst fears of those working in the area of women and child development were confirmed. The horror of a declining child sex ratio (CSR), which first came to light in Census 2001, returned once again,...
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