-The Indian Express With the overall rainfall deficiency this monsoon tracing the pattern of 2009, when the country witnessed widespread drought over 350 districts, the government Friday said while the situation was a matter of concern, the news “agriculturally” wasn’t as bad as three years ago in most parts. “As of yesterday, the overall rainfall deficiency stood at 21 per cent. Parts of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Western rajasthan and Gujarat remain regions of...
Geared up to face drought situation, says Centre
-The Indian Express The government on Friday said the spectre of drought over a few states and the likelihood of a lower rainfall pattern this year should not be a concern for a “panicky situation” as it is geared up to face the situation with enough stocks of foodgrains and sugar. Last year the production of both foodgrains and sugar had overshot the estimate leaving the government with adequate resources for the...
More »EGoM on drought to meet on Tuesday to review monsoon situation
-PTI The Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) on drought will meet on Tuesday to review the monsoon situation, with the sowing of kharif crops, particularly coarse cereals, affected by a deficiency in rains. “I have planned EGoM on drought on coming Tuesday,” Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar, who was recently made head of the EGoM on drought, told reporters. The EGoM is authorised to review the situation and take ”quick and timely decisions” on...
More »SC cages tiger tour, stirs deep concern
-The Telegraph The Supreme Court today banned tourism in the core areas of India’s tiger reserves till further orders, fuelling fears among tour operators and some conservationists that people would lose the chance to watch the animals in the wild, local economies would bleed and poaching would increase. The court, responding to a petition by a non-government environment organisation, acknowledged concerns expressed by the National Tiger Conservation Authority that tourism may be...
More »No strike axe on parties, says govt-Samanwaya Rautray
-The Telegraph The Centre today told the Supreme Court that neither the courts nor the Election Commission can de-recognise political parties for calling bandhs that result in large-scale destruction of public property. The Centre quoted a 2002 judgment delivered after the Congress had moved Kerala High Court against the CPI for frequently calling bandhs — complete shutdowns, which are illegal — under the ruse of calling hartals, which are optional. According to...
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