West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has once again cold-shouldered the Centre’s overtures to win the Trinamool Congress’ support for the National Food Security Bill. Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, K V Thomas, visited Kolkata on Friday, but returned without meeting Banerjee. Though Thomas’ office had written to Banerjee to propose the meeting to allay concerns of the Bengal government over the bill, it...
Get out of the kitchen
-The Business Standard Govt should not explore unworkable solutions The petroleum ministry’s “single kitchen” concept for new consumers of liquefied petroleum gas, or LPG, is a classic case of using a flawed solution to compensate for policy distortions in the pricing of petroleum products. The norm of allowing one LPG connection per household with one kitchen may look good on paper but it is hardly a foolproof mechanism to curb the misuse...
More »Chronic famishment by CP Chandrasekhar
National Sample Survey Organisation's report on the average calorie intake per person in Indian households points to a much higher incidence of poverty in the country than reflected in estimates of the proportion of the population below the official "poverty" line. Among the features that sully India’s “growth story” is the persistence and possible worsening of malnutrition in the country. The subsistence nutritional intake adopted when defining the official poverty line...
More »Centre seeks review of ruling in 2G case by J Venkatesan
Justifying first come, first served policy, it says auction will hit promotion of teledensity The Union government on Friday justified the first come, first served (FCFS) policy and urged the Supreme Court to review the 2G judgment, which quashed spectrum licences and directed issuance of fresh ones on the basis of auction. The Centre said it was only questioning the conclusion of the judgment that all national resources should be auctioned. Absurd...
More »Pulses scam: Babus unable to explain Rs 1,200cr loss
-The Times of India The government has been unable to explain why public sector firms imported pulses at a loss of 21%-30% a year from 2006 to 2011 adding up to Rs 1,200 crore, while private importers did not appear to have suffered such a misfortune. Questioned by Parliament's Public Accounts Committee about the " pulses scam" revealed in a Comptroller and Auditor General report, senior commerce and consumer affairs officials has...
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