THE Tamil Nadu government introduced with much fanfare the samathuva mayanam (common graveyard) concept during the previous Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam regime with the proclaimed goal of ending all caste-based discrimination at burial-cum-cremation grounds. An official announcement was made that panchayats which set up samathuva mayanams would get an “incentive grant” of Rs.1 lakh for promoting communal harmony. A few panchayats had received the incentive when the government appeared to beat a hasty...
Sharad Yadav rains fire on Centre over scams
Expressing concern over rampant corruption in the rank and file of the Centre's United Progressive Alliance Government, Janata Dal (United) President Sharad Yadav today pointed out that one scam after another is coming to light and this does not augur well for the country's future. "Since the regime came to power, it was embroiled in scams such as 2G spectrum, Commonwealth Games and Adarsh Housing Society. A sincere effort should be...
More »Candlelight march against nuclear plant
The Sanjha Manch, a joint forum of people’s organisations, organised a candlelight march in protest against the proposed Gorakhpur Atomic Power Project here last evening. Members of the Kisan Sangharsh Samiti, which is agitating against the acquisition of 1,313 acres of agriculture land for the proposed nuclear plant and activists of the Sanjha Manch began their candlelight march from Laal Batti Chowk and after passing through DSP Road, the procession reached...
More »Dalits and a Lack of Diversity in the Newsroom by J Balasubramaniam
This article explores the issue of Dalits’ inclusion in the media industry. It argues that under-representation of Dalits in Indian media leads to an exclusion of news on Dalits. [This was presented in the “National Conference on Ethical Issues and Indian Media” held on 26 and 27 November 2010 and in Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu.] [J Balasubramaniam ( is with the Department of Journalism and Science Communication, Madurai Kamaraj University.] The basis...
More »Second term for Mahashweta Devi as National Research Professor
Recognising the work of writer and social activist Mahasweta Devi, the Human Resource Development Ministry has appointed her as National Research Professor for a second term of five years from February 2011. Mahasweta Devi will be entitled to an honorarium of Rs.75,000 a month in accordance with the existing terms and conditions under the National Research Professorship Scheme. Mahashweta Devi was appointed as a National Research Professor in February 2006. Thereafter, Mahashweta Devi...
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