-The Hindu Some changes were ordered on the direct instructions of the Prime Minister The Prime Minister's office has repeatedly ordered and orchestrated dilution of environment and forest clearances in order to fast-pace industrial projects, documents with The Hindu show. In a series of orders and missives sent to the Union Environment and Forests Ministry over 2012-2013, the PMO instructed that regulations and norms had to be diluted or done away with. These...
Kumar's Mission Black-Gold: the Man who brought Vermi-Compost to State-Shamurailatpam and Gautam Sharma
-ManipurTimes.com Ningthoujam Kumar Mangang, a hardworking man from Manipur set off on a rare mission, to introduce the goodness and its advantages of 'Black-Gold' in the state, and now he contributes nearly 360 metric tons of 'Black-Gold' per year in the state. Kumar works starting his day early to travel nearly 25 km from home to oversee his black-gold field, with a size of around one acre at Nongdum of Imphal...
More »Consumers can ask NGOs to fight cases -Abhinav Garg & Dipak Kumar Dash
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Consumers can soon engage a non-advocate or an NGO to fight their case in consumer forums. However, such agents can't charge arbitrary fees. The charges will be decided by presidents of the relevant forums. The grounds to be considered while deciding fees will include the paying capacity of clients, skill of the agent and complexity of the case. In a recent notification, the consumer affairs ministry...
More »Laws by the people, for the people-Anirudha Nagar
-The Hindu In formulating the most effective and inclusive procedures for pre-legislative consultation, the Central government should study and draw inspiration from Kerala's example We should all celebrate the recent decision taken by a Cabinet Secretary-led committee which seeks to institutionalise public participation in the law-making process. The decision requires every Central government department to publicise the details of a proposed legislation on the Internet and other media before being introduced in...
More »Changing paradigm -Manupriya
-Down to Earth Soil's carbon storing ability may be different from what is believed SOIL has the unique ability to sequester carbon. By doing so, it lowers the amount of carbon released in the atmosphere and plays a significant role in the global carbon cycle. Though the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased over the years, the rates of carbon sequestration have remained unchanged. Recent scientific developments indicate a shift...
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