-The Hindu A day after getting relief from the Madras High Court, environmental group Greenpeace India on Thursday withdrew its writ petition in the Delhi High Court challenging suspension of its registration under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) and freezing of five bank accounts. The Madras High Court had on Wednesday granted an interim stay for eight weeks on the Ministry of Home Affairs order of September 2 cancelling the non-government...
50 days more of MGNREGS work for the drought-hit
-The Hindu The Union Cabinet gave ex post facto approval on Wednesday to provide an additional 50 days of work to Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme beneficiaries during the current financial year wherever drought or natural calamities have been notified. The scheme guarantees 100 days of work. The decision will enable the States to provide additional wage employment to the rural poor in drought-affected areas, the release said. “The poorest...
More »India’s Malnutrition Shame -Rajib Dasgupta
-The Indian Express It requires a far wider spectrum of interventions than mere clinical management. The latest edition of the Global Nutrition Report 2015 by the International Food Policy Research Institute, released on Tuesday, brings back the concerns over malnutrition into sharp focus. In July, the government of India, after much avoidable controversy, released malnutrition (used synonymously as undernutrition) figures from the Rapid Survey on Children (RSoC) data that was collected...
More »Cabinet approves additional 50 days of work for rural households in drought-hit areas -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: With India's 40% of the area facing drought situation due to deficient Monsoon rainfall, the government on Wednesday approved additional 50 days of employment over and above 100 days per household per year under the MGNREGA in drought affected areas. The move to increase the days of employment from 100 days to 150 days was approved by the Union Cabinet, which met under Prime Minister Narendra...
More »Small leap forward in child health -Jean Drèze
-The Hindu While the Rapid Survey on Children points to substantial progress in fields that have become a focus of serious action, such as safe delivery, it also highlights the penalties of inaction in other fields The recent release of summary findings from the Rapid Survey on Children (RSOC) has generated remarkably little interest in the mainstream media. The main focus of attention so far has been the indifferent performance of Gujarat...
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