-BBC Police in India's Maharashtra state have arrested five members of an upper caste for beating, stripping and parading naked a low-caste Dalit woman. The victim was attacked because her son had eloped with an upper-caste girl about a month ago. She has alleged that police initially refused to file a case saying such incidents were not uncommon. The incident took place in Mulgaon village on Monday afternoon but reports of the atrocity have...
Govt seeks report on Jarawa tribes dancing for food
-The Hindustan Times The Union government has asked the Andaman and Nicobar authorities to file a report on the incident of Jarawa women dancing for food. A video of Jarawa women— a tribal group inhabiting the islands—allegedly dancing for food was released by The Observer, a London-based newspaper, along with a report. The video enraged both rights activists and the authorities. Even though the authorities say the video, which is doing rounds...
More »India minority job quota on hold until polls
-BBC India's election authorities have put on hold a government decision to reserve a proportion of government jobs and seats in state-run education centres for minority groups. The quota - of 4.5% of jobs and seats - has been suspended until elections are held in five states next month. Critics say the Congress party announced the quota to woo Muslim minorities in the upcoming polls. Opposition parties had complained about the move. They accused the...
More »‘Worst in Asia’ tag on bureaucracy
-The Telegraph Indian bureaucracy is the worst in Asia with a rating of 9.21 out of 10, according to a report by a Hong Kong-based consulting firm. Singapore was rated the best in the report by Political & Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd released today. (See chart) But many bureaucrats The Telegraph spoke to raised questions about the report. “This is a Hong Kong-based firm. China has one of the most political bureaucracies in the...
More »Tilting at windmills by Lalit Uniyal
The people are not always right - though they usually are. Socrates was sentenced to death in a direct democracy by popular vote in a popular jury. He was the greatest man Athens ever produced and was unquestionably one of the noblest men of all time. The Treaty of Versailles was a link in the chain of events that led to the decline of the great civilisation of Europe. Yet...
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