-Outlook As part of the ongoing probe into the multi-crore illegal granite quarrying scam in Madurai, police today raided the film production company of Union Minister M K Alagiri's son, Durai Dayanidhi, an accused in the case. The police team from Madurai searched the premises of Dayanidhi's cinema company here for nearly an hour, sources said without elaborating. Dayanidhi, for whom a special police team was on the lookout, and nine others are...
Land acquired over past decade could have produced food for a billion people-John Vidal
-The Guardian Oxfam calls on World Bank to stop backing foreign investors who acquire land for biofuels that could produce food International land investors and biofuel producers have taken over land around the world that could feed nearly 1 billion people. Analysis by Oxfam of several thousand land deals completed in the last decade shows that an area eight times the size of the UK has been left idle by speculators or is...
More »Drug makers may dodge price control-Sushmi Dey
-The Business Standard The proposed pharma pricing policy may give room to drug makers to escape price control. While the policy is primarily aimed at making essential medicines affordable, many feel the spirit is missing in the recommendations put forward by a group of ministers a few days ago. For instance, the ministerial panel has proposed to regulate prices of only 348 essential medicines and keep combination products out of control —...
More »Small is big in Asia’s booming retail sector -A Srivathsan
-The Hindu Organised retail involving FDI and international players can lead to a shrinking of traditional small merchant trade. That is bad news for political parties and governments. When discontent among traders brews, they act. A. Srivathsan looks at how Japan, Indonesia and Thailand responded, using zoning laws and size regulation as a control mechanism. Look East to find out what happens when foreign retailers set up shop. Asia’s recent economic history...
More »Indian Internet economy all set to explode: study -Shalini Singh
-The Hindu Internet’s contribution to GDP will grow from $30 billion to $100 billion by 2015 The Internet has established its role as a powerful economic force multiplier with a new study projecting that its contribution to India’s GDP will explode to $100 billion (Rs. 5 lakh crore) by 2015 from $30 billion (Rs.1.5 lakh crore) at present. The study on the “Impact of Internet on the Indian Economy” by McKinsey, which is...
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