PANAJI: Bombay High Court on Monday asked the union government to file an affidavit as to whether top constitutional offices such as the President, Chief Justices and Governors fall within the ambit of Right to Information Act. The Goa bench of Bombay High Court asked Additional Solicitor General, Vivek Tankha, who represented the Union, to state the legal position regarding the President of India, Chief Justices and Governors; while state...
Indian media in a challenging environment by M Hamid Ansari
The Indian media have grown rapidly in scale, reach, influence, and revenues. But all stakeholders must realise that the ethical underpinning of professional journalism in the country has weakened and that the corrosion of public life in our country has impacted journalism. So what needs to be done? We have been witness in recent years to rapid, and unprecedented, changes in our society, economy, and polity. These have also transformed the...
More »Census data shows numbers rising more in urban areas
-Express News Service Affirming the trend of migration of people from villages to big cities and towns, the provisional figures of Census 2011 reveal that for the first time, India has added more people in urban centres than in rural areas over a decade. Between 2001 and 2011, the number of people living in urban areas increased from 286 million to 377 million, a rise of 91 million. In comparison, the...
More »Sex tests hit rural India by Rukmini Srinivasan & Himanshi Dhawan
Fears on the rampant use of pre-natal sex determination technology in rural areas have been confirmed with census data indicating that child sex ratio (CSR) fell far more sharply in villages than in urban areas in the last decade. According to provision data on population, though the urban CSR is far worse than that in rural areas, the fall in CSR in rural areas is around four times than that in...
More »The other oil problem
-The Business Standard For a country whose cuisine uses so much edible oil, India’s dependence on imported cooking oil is as economically debilitating as its dependence on imported energy. Barring a short spell in the late eighties, when the country was nearly self-sufficient in edible oil production, the bulk of the cooking oil needs have been met through imports for decades. Even today, domestic oilseed production does not meet even...
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