-The Indian Express On Monday, the Bengali new year's day, viewers who tuned into Bengali music channel Tara Muzik witnessed a spectacle never seen before on Indian TV. Anchors of the channel and independent artistes called in to present Barsha Baran, a programme to celebrate the new year 1420, wept copiously on camera while announcing that the channel, facing an unprecedented "crisis of survival", was shutting down. Hundreds of viewers commiserated with...
Better nutrition can cut stunting, says UNICEF-Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu Focus attention on pregnancy and first two years of child's life Stunting can be contained by focussing attention on pregnancy and the first two years of a child's life, a new UNICEF report has said. Stunting is not only about a child being too short for his or her age. It can also mean suffering from stunted development of the brain and cognitive capacity. The report offers evidence that real progress is...
More »UN official: India should become a democracy for women
-The Hindu Lakshmi Puri calls for greater political momentum on Women's Reservation Bill "My ambition for my country is it should become a democracy for women, by women and of women. This revolution is happening at the local level but [it] should also happen at the State and national level," said Lakshmi Puri, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and acting head of U.N. Women. She believes much progress has been made by...
More »NHRC gives clean chit to Chhattisgarh Government on Soni Sori-Suvojit Bagchi
-The Hindu Raipur: While various national women's organisations decried an attempt to make Soni Sori, the tribal school teacher accused of acting as a courier between Essar Steel and outlawed Maoists, undergo a "psychiatric evaluation" as a "sinister ploy" by the Chhattisgarh government, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has given a clean chit to the State government on the treatment meted out to the tribal school teacher. Last week, Ms....
More »In Gujarat village, wake up at 3am or go thirsty -Yagnesh Mehta
-The Times of India SURAT: If Manjuben Chaudhary of Dinbari village does not wake up at 3.30am, she will have to walk at least five km in scorching sun to fetch water. She has to reach the village well by 4am sharp or else her turn to fill water would come after four hours. Reeling under severe scarcity, this tribal hamlet in Valsad's Kaprada taluka has been forced to chalk...
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